Rift Prime Storm Legion Quick Start Guide

Launch Content
  • Level cap increased to 60
  • Soul point cap of 76 can now be reached
  • 7 original launch dungeons
  • Dusken & Brevane continents
  • T1 raids will be locked at Storm Legion launch for Prime


Locked Content at launch

  • T1, T2, and T3 raids
  • Dendrome (alongside all related Rift/stronghold events)
  • Realm of Twisted Dreams dungeon
  • Return to Deepstrike Mines dungeon
  • Raid Rifts? (Unknown)
  • Bloodfire Behmoth events (unknown)


Gearing up for Storm Legion

Honestly, don’t worry about it.  Even the majority of Classic-era Tier 3 raid gear is quickly replaced by questing gear by the time you hit level 54-56.  Quested gear will provide you with a very nice jump in power.  If anything, you should work on getting your Planar Attunement level up in preparation, as this system continues into Storm Legion.


Getting to Dusken & Brevane

From https://support.trionworlds.com/hc/en-us/articles/203373158-Accessing-the-Storm-Legion-Zones-and-Tempest-Bay

To get to the new zones, you’ll need to first reach level 50. At that point, you can go to Meridian for Defiants or Sanctum for Guardians. Directly next to the Porticulum you will find the NPC called ‘Empyrean Commader’ and they will offer you the quest ‘Storm Legion’. This quest will lead you into the Storm Legion continents Brevane and Dusken.

The “Lycini Ambassador” NPC in each city can teleport you to either continent’s starting zone.

Sanctum: /setwaypoint 7457 3057

Meridian: /setwaypoint 6133 5185


Gear Vendors

Storm Legion’s main gear vendors are in Tempest Bay.  They are shared between Guardians and Defiants at the following location: /setwaypoint 13096 11538

Go up this ramp across from the main Porticulum to get there:


Storm Legion Dungeon Guides


Achievement Guides

Zone puzzle guides: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/zone-puzzles

Storm legion achievement guides: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/cheevo-zones-storm-legion-main

Storm Legion dungeon achievements (not a full list): https://riftgrate.com/guides/achievements/