Rift Prime Quickstart Guide
Rift Prime features
- IMPORTANT! Rift Prime brings little to no changes to current Live souls!
- You are auto-mentored to every zone and dungeon’s level
- Gear drops are supposedly going to be for your current level, not your auto-mentored level
- Enemy health and damage is modified compared to live
- To gain an appearance on an item, the item must be Bound to Account, or it must be soulbound, either by being obtained as soulbound, or equipping it to make it soulbound
- A number of gear items that were previously soulbound are now tradeable
- Heavily reduce Rift Store – only cosmetic and service items available for credits
- Special mounts/costumes as new world/dungeon/raid drops
- Focus on purchasing items from store NPCs over pop up Rift store
- You start with access to the 8 base souls of your calling
- You unlock the remaining souls through gameplay
- No Instant Adventures
- No minions
- 2 character slots per account
- 3 professions max
- Primalist is not available
Dungeon/Raid Loot & Lockout Rule Changes
- Everyone gets gear from a dungeon, no rolling on drops (personal loot system)
- Dungeon drops will depend on your current level, NOT your mentored level (50 mentored down to 18 for Iron Tomb? get level 50 gear)
- First kill of a dungeon boss each day is a free roll.
- All further kills of a boss in the same dungeon in a day will require IRCs (Individual Reward Charges).
- IRCs are earned from Zone Events, on 1st login each day, and from the login calendar.
- Last boss of all dungeons have a chance to drop a mount every time. Higher odds for experts.
- Wardrobe bundles have been added that all bosses in all dungeons can drop.
- Wardrobe bundles, mounts, etc are group loot that you can roll on, and are BoE (Bind on Equip, meaning they can be traded/sold on the auction house).
- Raids are unlocked on weekly reset at 7am server time on Wednesday, and 4am server time on Saturday.
Rift Prime launch content
- Level cap of 50
- Original 10 Expert Dungeons, broken up into 2 tiers
- LFG will be active to match to these dungeons
- No Ember Isle
- No Master Mode, though this is planned to arrive later
- No Raids or Raid Rifts will be available on Launch day, though these are planned to arrive later.
- 3 warfronts (Forum confirmation here):
- The Codex
- Black Garden
- Whitefall Steppes: Escalation
Import UI settings from live
Thanks to Dev RoughRaptors for reminding me, but there should be an easy way to import your UI into Rift Prime:
- log into live
- /exportui
- /exportkeybindings
- log into prime
- /importui
- /importkeybindings
Leveling Tips
Search for all of the Cairns in Mathosia that you can find, and do the zone puzzles. These reward you with relevant gear for the zone’s level. A good list of guides can be found here: http://www.kfguides.com/rift/puzzlesguide.php
For a more exhaustive list of zone puzzles, check out the writeup over at Caduto: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/zone-puzzles
Want a list of JUST cairns? An old mmosite forum post has you covered: http://forum.mmosite.com/thread/2/127/20110301/Rift_Cairn_Location_Guide-4da843d80b7450613-1.html
You can also check out the guide over at Caduto: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/cheevo-zones-mathosia-main
Early game gathering paths
An mmosite forum post also covers plenty of gathering paths for Freemarch, Silverwood, Gloamwood, and Stonefield. Check it out here: http://forum.mmosite.com/thread/2/127/20110215/RIFT_Maps_Collection_NPC_and_Crafting_Maps-4da843d7ee557d213-1.html
Defiant Equipment locations in Meridian
Planar Gear, Goods, and Ascended Powers: /setwaypoint 5951 5269
PvP Gear, quests, expert dungeon gear: /setwaypoint 6110 5094
Guild registration & quests: /setwaypoint 6006 5147
Guardian Equipment locations in Sanctum
Planar Gear, Goods, and Ascended Powers: /setwaypoint 7469 3019
PvP Gear, quests: /setwaypoint 7412 2909
Expert dungeon gear, Guild registration & quests: /setwaypoint 7588 3098
Useful Links
Dungeon Entrance guide: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/hints-tips-dungeon-and-raid-entrances
Full zone puzzle guides: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/zone-puzzles
Cairn Locations & Mathosia achievements: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/cheevo-zones-mathosia-main
Gaiscioch’s beginner’s guide to Rift (modern era): https://magazine.gaiscioch.com/guides/new_players_guide_to_rift.html
Old guides (some info might not be relevant anymore): http://www.kfguides.com/rift/index.php
mmorpg.com preparation guide, with useful links for non PvE content: https://www.mmorpg.com/rift/previews/prepare-for-prime-1000012525