Rift Prime Gear Guide for level 50

Credit goes to Bubbles@Greybriar for this guide!


Here is a guide to getting a nice set of gear once you hit level 50 on Rift Prime. We know that raids, raid rifts, master modes and Ember Isle are closed on launch, so I won’t include items from these sources. I will assume chronicles, expert dungeons, and expert rifts will all be available, and you can look at all of these as quick and easy sources of loot. PvP gear as on live is currently incredibly strong, equivalent to tier 3 raid loot – I try to provide alternatives in this guide, as I don’t expect this OP gear to be available.


Disclaimer: Prime has not launched and the various avenues for getting loot or the loot itself may be changed by March 7th. Also tanking weapons are not covered here – it is unclear what weighting guard has vs block/dodge at this stage.


Good resources to find item sources include:
Magelo: https://rift.magelo.com/en/items

Xanadu: http://rift.xanadu-community.com/items.php?page=browse&id=32 for raid and expert rift drops



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 27000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Visage of the Deep (all classes)  -Obtained by finishing Act 2 of the Water Saga. Unclear if this will be available on Prime launch. Guide for the quest can be found here: http://rift.zam.com/wiki/Water_Saga_%28Rift_Quest_Series%29



Beasts of the Order Quest in Shimmersand (all classes)



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 27000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Planar Hero’s Equipment (all classes) -Obtained by upgrading Vanquisher>Conqueror>Hero. Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Crafted Epic Pieces – Recipes bought from vendors in Sanctum/Meridian

Warrior and Cleric requires 300 armorsmith

Rogue & Mage requires 300 outfitter



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 34000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Planar Hero’s Equipment (all classes) -Obtained by upgrading Vanquisher>Conqueror>Hero. Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Crafted Epic Pieces – Recipes bought from vendors in Sanctum/Meridian

Warrior and Cleric requires 300 armorsmith

Rogue & Mage requires 300 outfitter



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 20000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Some great PvE gloves are:

Warrior – Tempered Orihalcum Gauntlets – Crafted

Cleric – Cinder-forged Gauntlets – expert Darkening Deeps Scarn

Rogue – Gnarhide Wraps – expert Foul Cascade Sparkwing

Mage – Radiant Witchweave Gloves – Crafted



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 20000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Some great PvE belts are:

Warrior – Thirty Below – expert Realm of the Fae Chillblains

Cleric – Merciful Prophet’s Cord – expert Deepstrike Mines Bonehew

Rogue – Renegade’s Strangler – expert Deepstrike Mines Bonehew

Mage – Sash of Frozen Crystals – expert Lower Caduceus Rise Coalgut



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 34000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum


Some great PvE legs are:
Warrior – Galebreaker Greaves – Expert Rift (Air)

Cleric – Ancient Bone Leggings – expert Iron Tomb Bonelord Fetlorn

Rogue – Unnatural Legguards – expert Abyssal Precipice Calyx

Mage – Darkcloth Leggings – Crafted



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 34000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum


Planar Hero’s Equipment (all classes) -Obtained by upgrading Vanquisher>Conqueror>Hero. Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 54000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum


If the river of souls and GSB chronicles are open, then the final reward from the epic life/death sagas will be one of the strongest weapons available on day 1.

A guide for the death saga (Defiants) can be found: http://rift.zam.com/wiki/The_Saga_of_the_Endless_%28Rift_Quest_Series%29

Final Reward Options


A guide for the life saga (Guardians) can be found:


Final Reward Options


The Best Crafted Weapons for each class are slightly superior to expert dungeon drops.



These expert drops, particularly the bow, are amongst the most powerful of your level 50 options.

PvP Gear also functions well for clerics/mages that don’t proc stacks from the above wand from their spec.





If available, Carnival Event Earrings will be the strongest earring.

Crafted Earrings are the next best option for your 2nd slot – this is a list of the best available



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 24000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Defiants obtain a good neck from the Death Saga, available options listed here. Guardians have no equivalent counterpart.


Otherwise expert dungeons are your go-to source for necks – see a full list here. Sadly, some of the best ones have a <1% drop rate off trash. On the plus side, accessories that drop from expert dungeon trash monsters are bind-on-equip and therefore tradable.



PvP Gear (all classes) – Requires 17000 favor.

Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Planar Hero’s Equipment (all classes) -Obtained by upgrading Vanquisher>Conqueror>Hero. Default NPC in Meridian and Sanctum.


Crafted Set Rings Warrior, Cleric, Rogue & Mage requires 300 artificer


There are also nice set bonus rings that provide a hit, end and SP bonus for mages and clerics. No equivalent for physical classes.

Ring of Evolution from expert King’s Breach Manticores and Ring of Cultivation from expert Realm of the Fae’s Battlemaster Atrophinius



The only two worth mentioning are the PvP Synergy Crystals – which makes having OP PvP gear even more insane with +200 AP/SP on their 4-piece bonus.


Your class based synergy crystals work on Planar Conqueror/Hero Gear and its worth looking at them individually here.



The best seals are crafted, each stat is made by different professions. The recipes are available from the relevant NPCs in Sanctum/Meridian



The best planar focus at level 50 is a PvP focus which has all 6 slots and a +25 endurance proc, currently sold for 56000 favor. The regular focus should be attainable from the planar vendor in Sanctum/Meridian for 7500 planarite.



The best greater planar essences are not all available until Raid Rifts are unlocked.

However, a very strong greater essence is obtained by the quest A Strange Trinket in Stillmoor. You have the option of choosing either a +50 AP proc on damage, or +60 SP proc on damage – this has a reasonable uptime and internal GCD. Tier 2 Raid Lesser Planar Essences are stronger however.

At launch your only options for the best essences will either be what’s available from the planar essence vendor in Sanctum/Meridian or Expert Rift essences – a good list is here.

Event based essences e.g. Carnival generally outclass everything else so keep an eye out for those.