Rift PTS/Live Datamining – Carnival and Battle Pass 3

Uh… yeah, I’m late on this one as well! Well, almost very late, the new Battle Pass 3 information hasn’t gone live yet at the time of this writing, so… late on Carnival, early on BP3. Perfectly balanced! Let’s jump in.
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- New Icons
- New Backpacks and Wings
- New Companion pets
- New Costume helmets
- New Mounts
- Battle Pass 3 Information
- Data Updates – 64-bit Health pools
New Icons
Plenty of new icons grace our precense. First, new dimension items from Carnival of the Ascended
Next, a slew of new companion pets from Carnival of the Ascended
New Backpacks, Masks (Costume helmets), and earring icons from Carnival of the Ascended
New mounts. The golden mount is from Carnival, but the Armored Greenscale Drake is new, with no known home.
New Backpacks and Wings
1 new backpack with Carnival, 1 new backpack from BP3, and updated version of the BP3 wing set. it is not clear yet if the BP3 backpack (the shell) will actually be available. Previously, it was part of the wings that you could earn from the battle pass.
New Companion pets
2 new companion pets come from battle pass 3. Unfortunately, due to the nature of how the new pets were implemented, I do not have new models to share. Just imagine the existing pets (icons above) would look like if they were gold.
New Costume helmets
2 new costume helmets/masks were datamined previously for Carnival of the Ascended. There are 4 icons, but unfortunately I missed grabbing 2 of those.
New Mounts
Finally, the new mounts. We have the new Golden Horse from Carnival of the Ascended, and an Armored Greenscale Drake that currently does not have a home that I am aware of.
Battle Pass 3 Information
Battle Pass 3: Frozen Waters actually has fewer daily and weekly quests when compared to Battle Pass 2. Specifically, there are 10 fewer daily quests, and 3 fewer weekly quests. It is not clear what has been removed, but hopefully it was some of the less enjoyable daily and weekly quests.
Finally, here is the BP3 Banner

Data Updates – 64-bit Health pools
Finally, the April 1, 2020 patch to Live brings with it the updates to support 64-bit health pools.
This is a big deal, because until this update, health was stored as a signed 32-bit number. This method of data storage caps out at 2,147,483,647 (2.147 Billion), which are the health amounts reached by the current Bastion of Steel Tier 2 raids.
Increasing this to 64-bit caps health at… 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Which is about 4.2 BILLION times larger than the previous 32-bit health pool. This shouldn’t be reached anytime soon unless damage scaling becomes even more insane.
This update had impacts to the data format for ability effects (dataset 84) and the data format for ability base damage (dataset 1941). Both of these now support increased caps beyond the previous 32-bit values.
Anyway, that’s all for today! Ghar Station signing off