Rift PTS Datamining – Fae Yule 2019 (long overdue super late post edition)

Uh… yeah, I’m late on this one. Very late. If you are on the Ghar Station discord server, you likely have seen all of this. Regardless, let’s jump in!
As always, you can join in the discussion of Rift on both The Ghar Station Discord and on the Rift focused Heroes of Telara Discord. Please follow us on twitter @TheGharStation. We are also now on Patreon!
- New Icons
- New Mounts
- New Cosmetic weapons, shield, and cape
- New Companion pets
New Icons
7 new icons have arrived with Fae Yule 2019.
New Mounts
We got 2 new mounts with Fae Yule 2019. Christmas “weasel” mount (that’s the filename anyway), and the Gelidra wings.
New Cosmetic weapons, shield, and cape
2 new weapons, a new shield, and a new cape round out the Fae Yule 2019 cosmetics. One thing to note is that the shield had a different model in earlier PTS updates.

New Companion pets
Finally we have 2 new companion pets to round out the new assets.
That’s all for Fae Yule 2019 datamining. I apologize for the extremely long delay on this! I will try to get the Carnival 2020 post up once assets are available to datamine! (Until then, the Rift twitter account has posted at least 1 new cosmetic ahead of datamining: https://twitter.com/riftgame/status/1227548142255689728 )
Ghar Station signing off.