Rift PTS Datamining – Autumn Harvest 2019

The last time we did this was for Summerfest in July. Well, now it is October… uh… December! New assets have dropped for Autumn Harvest, and some that may even be for Fae Yule. Autumn Harvest ran from October 24 to November 21st this year, and there is no date set yet for Fae Yule. Let’s dive in!
As always, you can join in the discussion of Rift on both The Ghar Station Discord and on the Rift focused Heroes of Telara Discord. Please follow us on twitter @TheGharStation. We are also now on Patreon!
- New Icons
- New Autumn Harvest Costumes
- New Fae Yule Wings
- New Autumn Harvest Companion
- New Mounts
- New Dimension Item?
New Icons
A Cornucopia of new icons have been added.
New Autumn Harvest costumes
4 new helmets/masks, 2 new capes, a new backpack, and a new pair of wings have arrived.

New Fae Yule Wings
1 new pair of (what will most likely be) Fae Yule wings!

New Autumn Harvest Companion
We got a new Mummy Corgi companion for Autumn harvest

New Mounts
Bunch of new mounts, including 2 new book hover mounts, a new spider carriage skin, 3 special promotional mounts, and the long awaited Mecha Raptor.
SteelSeries Promo: https://games.steelseries.com/ucf/show/14023/boards/promotions/Giveaway/rift-exclusive-steelseries-skinned-arclight-rider-mount
AlienWare Promo: https://na.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/2100733/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/rift-exclusive-arclight-rider-alienware-skin-key-giveaway
New Dimension Item?
This one is curious. A new dimension item has appeared, a statue of a mage in some Nightmare Tide era armor, but in greyscale. The model is built from the individual armor models themselves, and their associated textures are forced into this greyscale (instead of using the dye system).
We’re still investigating this one, as it’s incredibly unusual.

That’s all for today. Ghar station signing off!