2 years of The Ghar Station!

Has it been 2 years already? On October 4th, The Ghar Station celebrated it’s 2nd year of existence. A lot has changed, and the quantity, accuracy, and quality of datamining for Rift has really increased during these years. Thank you to everyone who has supported this site and our Discord, and provided me with feedback and tips for information. This site wouldn’t be what it is without the support of the community behind it.
While I never went on to report much on other games during 2018, it is still a goal of mine to do eventually. Finding accurate datamining from other sources is more challenging than it appears if you aren’t World of Warcraft.
So, where to next? We have a Discord, and a Patreon page going on, though it is tough to find the time to collate and report on datamining for other games. It occurs to me that nowhere is reporting this, and there isn’t even a subreddit or a Discord server to combine and report efforts. There are old forums, but they tend to be per-game. Maybe this is something to consider going forward to build out datamining reporting? It’s a thought anyway.
As for 2nd anniversary events? Hm… I really need to think of something. I’ll happily take suggestions in the comments below.
Thanks again for your support, and here’s to many more years to come!
Gratz Clowd & The Ghar Station!
Keep up the good work.
Thank you for all the effort & work! Much appreciated and helpful!!!
Grats Clowd, TGS is something to be very proud of, and being able to get a sneaky peek at whats coming soon is very nice indeed.