Rift Datamining – October 3, 2018 patch (Storm Legion on Prime)

As always, you can join in the discussion of Rift and Rift Prime on both The Ghar Station Discord and on the Rift focused Heroes of Telara Discord. Please follow us on twitter @TheGharStation.
- New Store Packs
- New Planar Disciples
- New Dimension
- Mech Week Minion Data
- New Icons
- New Costume items
- Prime Storm Legion Hit Requirements
- Prime Storm Legion XP Table
- Prime Storm Legion Damage Calc updates
New Store Packs
Two new packs are hitting the Rift Store with this patch. Prices are currently unknown, but likely to be in the $20-$30 range. Possibly cheaper, this data is controlled server side.
- Prime Tempest Pack – To celebrate your purchase of the Prime Tempest Pack, we’d like to award you with a Mecha Crucia Broodling mount, Storm Warden’s Cape, Mini Regulos companion pet and a Brevanic Portal Generator! They’re also available for any other character on your account!
- Rising Storm Power Pack – Unlocks a Crucia Broodling mount, Ascended Cape Box, Packmaster’s Reward Cache and 15 Days of Patron for your account.
Preview of the mounts
New Planar Disciples
Got a few classes to give an idea about the current progress of the system. Planar Disciple levels still seem to be capped at 6 given the current data
- Summon: Planar Disciple Void Knight
- Summon: Planar Disciple Pyromancer
- Summon: Planar Disciple Riftblade
- Summon: Planar Disciple Purifier
- Summon: Planar Disciple Warlock
- Summon: Elf Male Planar Disciple
New Dimension
A new dimension has been added – Xarth Mire. Got new loading screen & Dimensions UI banner. Click to see full size versions.
Imathrowback has provided us with a Telarafly view of the dimension ahead of its release.
Mech Week Minion Data
This went unposted last week, but imathrowback datamined and detailed the max stats for the Call to Action: Mech Week minions. Provided below.
19 new icons in total. Let’s attempt to categorize them.
Surprisingly, these are likely the new Autumn Harvest weapons
- Frost Knight’s Greatstaff
- Frost Knight’s Warbow
- Frost Knight’s Glaive
- Frost Knight’s Broadsword
- Frost Knight’s Bulwark
Likely new Autumn harvest costume helms
New companion pets
New backpacks
New poison autumn levitation mount. Not sure how this one will look, it’s graphical effects only.
Miscellaneous icons. Mushrooms for dimensions? not 100% sure at the moment about these.
New Costume items
Time to delve into some new models! These pics are provided by imathrowback over on The Ghar Station Discord. Pics provided using Telarafly.
First up, the Frost Knight set
New costume helms
New Companion pets
New backpack and wings
Curiously, a tail. This appears to be a costume option for players.
Further details on the new models from imathrowback:
Prime Storm Legion Hit Requirements
- Storm Legion Expert Dungeon: 320
- Storm Legion Tier 1 Raid: 420
Prime Storm Legion XP Table
XP requirements for levels 30 through 50 have been decreased, dramatically at some points. Overall, these changes have adjusted the XP requirements from 1-50 on Prime, reducing the total XP required by around 12.8%.
Level 50-60 XP requirements for Prime are increased over the Live values. Overall, XP from 50-60 is increased by ~47.8% compared to live values.
All of this info is updated to our Rift Mechanics Spreadsheet, which you can find by CLICKING HERE.
Prime Storm Legion Damage Calc updates
Currently, at level 50 on Prime, combat damage is multiplied by 0.38 compared to the live value calculations. This means that you do 38% of the damage you would on Live with the same stats and spec. While leveling from 50-60, this value increases by 0.1 per level up to 58, then 0.2 until 60.
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