Rift News: Storm Legion on Prime + 4.6 speculations

Rift Prime started out as a “fast paced” server, set to unlock all content in 9-12 months. However, plans for that quickly fell through, and the server has only recently released Tier 2 raid content after 5 months. Today, players were surprised to learn that the Storm Legion expansion will unlock this Fall for Rift Prime. When this Fall? that much is uncertain.
All of this has gotten myself and other thinking about what will come next for Rift. Prior live streams have mentioned that there are/were plans for 3 more chunks of story content for the Prophecy of Ahnket (aka 4.0) expansion we are currently in, but we have not heard anything since this past winter.
All of this sparked a discussion over at the Heroes of Telara Discord, where we’ve speculated a bit upon what content will arrive next.
Rift Live Servers
We should have the Hellbug Call to Action (CtA) event again one weekend here in August/early September, followed by a Mecha Weekend shortly thereafter. CtA events should start coming every 2-3 weeks or so. Then there’s Autumn Harvest and Fae Yule this Fall and Christmastime respectively.
Content wise, I believe it’s possible for Planar Disciples to hit Live as part of 4.6, about the same time I think Storm Legion will go live on Prime. Otherwise, Trion has given us no news about a T3 raid, or when the next set of PoA story quests will land, except that they are apparently works in progress right now. There’s also Tenebrean Trouble coming along, the new puzzle dungeon.
I believe that they MIGHT launch it all as 4.6 around November/December (it might be a miracle if they pull this list off):
- Tenebrean Trouble (2nd Puzzle dungeon)
- Planar Disciples
- Live T3 Raid
- New Live PoA questline (potentially a saga?)
At the very least, I am expecting Tenebrean Trouble and Planar Disciples to arrive in 4.6. I hope to be surprised.
Rift Prime
The “Tempest Rising” event on PTS showed the original dates for the event, so they cannot be used to reliably know when Tempest Rising will hit Prime.
HK50 is not coming to Prime, I’m fairly positive of that.
T3 raids – Infernal Dawn (20-man) and Primeval Feast (10-man) – are coming. These were updated and patched to the Omega PTS server a few weeks ago, and are available there for testing right now.
My Rift Prime timeline prediction:
- Open up Infernal Dawn in early-mid September, with Primeval Feast late September-early October
- Tempest Rising event in October alongside a release of the Exodus of the Storm Queen dungeon
- SL-Prime launch in November (alongside a potential Rift 4.6)
As always, you can join in the discussion of Rift and Rift Prime on both The Ghar Station Discord and on the Rift focused Heroes of Telara Discord. Please follow us on twitter @TheGharStation.
It will really be a miracle if 4.6 have all these. Hope they can make it , it will be a great surprise after all these months
In terms of ‘3 more story content’ I’m going to suppose this may be: late 2018, early 2019, mid 2019. With potential expansion to release by the end of 2019. Fill out a Tier 3, maybe add another zone, and generally cover the content again (epic quest? features? refinements? dungeons?). That is, if they’re really serious about transforming POA into more of the expansion it should have started at or at least earlier progressed into.
Call to Action is a better name for Promo/Frequent events as long as they’re more fairly tuned. Consolidating the currencies and having more direct-buys is a very good step towards that, but Trion should take another look at the activities and rewards themselves.
I’m going to take it that Planar Disciples will be a feature not or barely there for Classic-NMT leveling, but start in POA and may assume our involvement in at least parts of a next expansion.
No news in Summer is always a bummer, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t plans for Fall and Winter. Though that was the case for 2017-2018’s period (working on Prime). We can’t necessarily trust Trion, but we can understand development.
I think your 4.6 theory may be too ambitious and they drip this stuff longer, but its also possible that up to your theory could be correct.
HK50 seems like it won’t be Prime, but I’ll be more than disappointed if nothing covers it. Release T3 raids in Aug-Sept all you want Trion, but a coinciding Hammerknell-themed event (IA? Epic Questline? Opening Hammerknell? Chronicle(s)?) sounds appropriate. Then Tempest Rising Oct-Nov and Storm Legion Nov-Dec.
May not be this year, but it’d be nice to sometime see other returning Classic events too (water/life motes, travel stones, all that stuff I vaguely remember) and even similar stuff to match other later major RIFT story events.