Livestream Summary – August 3rd, 2018

Today’s livestream showcased the Call to Action: Hellbug event currently in effect for both Live and Rift Prime. Salvatrix, Yaviey, and CaptainCursor showed off the promo event, while answering player questions from the forums and Twitch chat. With the help of Holyroller over on the Heroes of Telara discord (link below), we have a quick summary.
As always, you can join in the discussion of Rift and Rift Prime on both The Ghar Station Discord and on the Rift focused Heroes of Telara Discord. Please follow us on twitter @TheGharStation.
They’re not able to answer questions pertaining to content, future expansions ect as Amary and Archonix were not in house today. They will try to put a stream together to specific answer more of those questions. Some of these details will be answered at the upcoming gamescom as well.
- Call to Action events are planned to occur every few weeks
- Next one is a re-run of the Hellbug event
- After that is planned to be a mech-themed
- All prior promo events are being converted into Call to Action events
- Old unused event currencies will be converted in a 1:1 ratio to chaos motes.
- There are plans to add new Call to Action events, including a “shark” themed one around the Skelf in the future (no timeframe was provided).
- Fragment rework is in progress, blog post will go out before it lands detailing everything.
- Fragment rework will NOT replace existing fragments.
- Mentoring issues – Not a direct plan for it on Live, but at some point they would like to work on some better incentives.
- Hellbug events should be set to spawn the most when the event is active.
- Utilla Resistance boxes can be switched to BoA and it’s just something that gets easily overlooked with everything happening on the development side of things. Salvatrix will take care of it (with some player prodding/reminding).
- Not any current plans to add any new zone events to Vostigar Peaks
- No timeline on cross shard auctioning. It’s more of an engineering issue.
- They are actively looking into bringing Bastion of Steel down in difficulty to be back in line with the current balance changes. no ETA has been given.
- Eternal bundle will be coming back to the store. Soon tm!