Quick Update!

It’s been a slow July for The Ghar Station, there has not been anything new to datamine/report on since 4.5 landed. On top of that, IRL has been quite busy for some of us. Rest assured, we’re not going anywhere! Tenebrean Trouble, the new puzzle dungeon, appears to be getting a lot of attention, and a few assets for it were datamined with the 4.5 patch. I anticipate this will be the next thing we showcase.
In the meantime, I highly suggest checking out Caduto’s summerfest guides and Grim Remembrance guides!
Summerfest: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/events-summerfest
Grim Remembrance: http://cadrift.bravesites.com/events-grim-remembrance
Also check out Guides for Rift, an upcoming fan site attempting to put together a number of new class guides for 4.5. http://guidesforrift.com/rift-class-guides/
Telaradb has received a number of updates since the last time it was mentioned here. Check out their new appearance search! https://telaradb.com/#/
Thank you to everyone for your continued support! As always, you can join in the discussion of Rift and Rift Prime on both The Ghar Station Discord and on the Rift focused Heroes of Telara Discord. Please follow us on twitter @TheGharStation.