Community Spotlight: TelaraDB & Cadrift

Today I’d like to draw attention to two other Rift fansites, both of which have seen a ton of active development recently. These are TelaraDB and CadRift. These sites are available in our sidebar under Rift Resources. Please check out both sites, they have plenty to offer!
TelaraDB is a project by JosuaLackhand that seeks to combine the item search features of Magelo with the appearance search data from YARET’s appearance search feature. Mix in some datamined information, and a presentation of the 3D models for EVERY item in the game, and you have the start of a new wave of item searching and information for Rift.
This project is continually expanding, with more features to come in the future. The biggest highlight right now is the 3D models presented for every item in the game that has one.
Site Link:
Cadrift is an extensive achievement and puzzle guide site for Rift. Here, Caduto has tirelessly worked to provide extremely detailed guides for many achievements in Rift, alongside every zone and side puzzle in the entire game. Looking to find and complete all of the hidden challenges that Dead Simon has concocted over the years? then go over to cadrift for complete guides.
Caduto’s most recent work is a complete and thorough Confounding Contraptions Guide. This details how to find and obtain all 110 contraptions hidden in Mathosia.
Site Link: