Rift News: Prime and the 4/18 Patch

Coming to Prime in the April 18, 2018 patch, will be the Drowned Halls and Gilded Prophecy 10-man raids. Between some Discord conversations, forum posts, and the live stream, we now know plenty about how Prime raid lockouts and gearing will work. Let’s summarize.
As always, you can join in the discussion of Rift and Rift Prime on both The Ghar Station Discord and on the Rift focused Heroes of Telara Discord. Please follow us on twitter @TheGharStation.
Prime Raiding – Gearing & Release schedule
According to Tacitus, Rift Prime’s raids will utilize Individual Reward Charges (IRCs) to roll on gear in raids. In addition to this, the LFR tool can be used to queue up for and join a raid for your raid party. Because of this, there will not be a raid lockout! Also, mage tank loot is being added! rejoice!
To summarize:
- You will be able to queue for raids using LFR
- LFR raids in Prime will NOT be a different difficulty!
- There will not be any raid lockouts!
- Each player may roll for loot 2 times per week per raid boss before they need to use IRCs for that boss
- Rolling on boss loot costs 1 IRC
- Some raid trash drops will be Bind on Equip (and sellable on the Auction House)
- Mage Tank loot is being added to loot tables
- Mage Tank loot is being added to the Raid vendor
- Raid vendor will hold the same gear as the original level 50 T1 raid vendor
- Raid vendor comes on April 25th alongside the Greenscale’s Blight raid
- Drowned Halls and Gilded Prophecy will open up on April 18th
(Thank you holyroller for the discord pic)
Ignore is broken, to be fixed
Ignore was broken in last week’s patch, and should be restored in tomorrow’s patch.
Crafting Reagent purchasing is broken, to be fixed
In Prime, there is no longer an option to purchase reagents while in the crafting menus. This should be fixed in tomorrow’s patch.
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