PTS Datamining – Rift Prime, 4.4, and Carnival!

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Let’s dive in!
- Tenebrean Prison Warfront
- New icons
- New Carnival masks, companion pet, backpacks, and wings
- New mounts
- 4.4 Content
- Rift Prime info
Tenebrean Prison Warfront
While this is still in development, that does not stop us from datamining the new warfront! Tenebrean Prison is a Team Deathmatch warfront, with a unique ruleset.
Warfront Rules (all subject to change)!
- 10 vs 10 team death match first to 20 points win
- gain 2 points for your team when you get a kill
- lose 1 point for your team when you die
Let’s take a look at the warfront! Thanks to TelaraFly, we can view this warfront, even though it is not available yet.
Map and loading screens
New icons
2 new armor sets, datamining suggests these belong to a “calltoaction” set. We have icons for a chain and plate variety.
New mounts
New companion pet and Carnival of the Ascended masks
New Carnival masks, companion pet, backpacks, and wings
We have 2 new backpacks, and 2 new wings!
Backpacks first
And now the wings. note that the gold wings are named as if they belong to the Carnival of the Ascended event. The more demonic looking wings are also available as a mount (similar to the Vostigar Peaks Jetpack).
2 new Carnival of the Ascended masks, and 2 new demon style costume helms are in.
Finally, I end you on a Unicorn companion pet, and the 7th anniversary cake and cape.
New Mounts
The rest of the Blood Storm dragons are accounted for with new dragon mounts! Well, except for Akylios, but he was an Akvan thingy. Pics captured using Telarafly! Click on the pics to see higher rez versions.
In addition to this, we have 2 new “balloon” mounts. Not sure what this will look like, as we have models, but they are not set up to be mounts in the game data quite yet.
Finally, we have the new snail mount – labeled as “snail_apocalypse_desert”
For 4.4, it appears that we will be getting a few new things for Live. It is not known when, exactly, these will release, as some of them might come after 4.4 has landed. Or even later (some of this might be 4.5 content? not sure until it launches).
List of new content that has been datamined:
- Carnival of the Ascended (see the above assets for what is new this Carnival season)
- Tenebrean Prison Warfront (again, see above)
- Instant Adventure: Moonshade Highlands
- Instant Adventure: Droughtlands
Rift Prime info
Here it is, we have datamined Rift Prime’s current iteration on PTS. It is definitely there. We are steadily datamining it, revealing new info and a few new features. Let’s get some new assets out of the way first.
New home screen banner (login advertising of new stuff feature):
New portrait icon (Comes with the “Primogenitor pack”), created by the dev Dead Simon.
Now for some info:
- It appears that enemy health and damage is adjusted based upon their level. I imagine this will be tuned as the dev do their internal playtesting. That being said, here is a preliminary chart that we datamined:
- There are 173 different content flags currently created for Prime (on PTS right now anyway), including the standard and normal versions of each dungeon, chronicle, and raid. Zones like Ember Isle, Dendrome, Tyrant’s Throne, Planetouched Wilds, and Vostigar Peaks are included, so these will all no doubt be gated.
- There appear to be Prime specific class changes. We do not know the extent of these changes yet (we haven’t fully datamined the ability system. Magelo does a good job of that though).
- The data suggests that LFR HAS been updated to support 20-man raid matchmaking.
- Client data also suggests that there will be an LFR, Normal, and Hard difficulties for Greenscale’s Blight at level 50. This is probably another reason why GSB will not be available immediately at launch for Rift Prime.
That’s all for now. Ghar Station, signing off!
The two new IAs may not be exciting, but I’m pleased they’re bothering with them (for the sake of completion design, at least).
The “calltoaction” set reminds me of the CoA gear…possible CoA style T3 raid inc as well?
Could also be Intrepid: Greenscale’s Blight armor, or a special Prime only set. One of the two, IMHO.
Pingback: RIFT datamining looks at Prime server and Patch 4.4 | EPIC Loot Drop
They’re gonna have to adjust the new warfront rules because of BallzofSteel
will the classes be the same as they were at launch… bnecause i’ve been dying to play my old para/reaver combo. It was so beast
Everything indicates that the classes in Prime will be the same as what we have live, maybe with some minor tweaks. No launch style souls will be coming back. This is a progression server, NOT a purely classic server.
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Pretty cool stuff coming up! Looking forward to seeing how people sit atop those balloon mounts. Haha! And those masks! <3