Rift Prime Live Stream Summary – February 23, 2018

Well, that was an information dump. 7 pages of notes, condensed into one post (no real need to break this up into multiple posts). I have tried my best to capture every question and answer on stream. I wouldn’t be surprised if I missed a few here and there. If I did, please feel to comment below with missed questions.
You can join in the discussion of prime on both The Ghar Station Discord and on the Rift focused Heroes of Telara Discord. Please follow on twitter @TheGharStation.
On with the summary!
- Brasse as Brasse the Dwarf
- Simon as an artifact
- Amary as the uh.. Corgi?
- Archonix as the owner of a pup that chews on computer cables
Prime question time Simon broke the Rift Prime internal client. Couch is on fire. Installation is starting because reasons.
Prime client shown on stream
- Prime is a subscriber only server, with original launch content and releasing over time through the expansions to catch up to live.
- Primogenitor pack items launch with Rift Prime and are for Rift prime, they will transfer with the character when/if you transfer it to live serversPrime character max is 2
- Part of the reason for this is the profession limits, they do not want people to be completely self sufficient on one account with crafting.
How do we patch for Rift Prime?
Rift Prime uses your live install (Dataminers are happy!)
Character select is restored to launch character select
What new rulesets is the team interested in?
They tested a Free for All 5-member max guild PvP server. Not for Prime, but was a concept that was tried.
What are the chances that Rift Prime server will carry on instead of closing?
Non-0. This is an experiment, and part of that is seeing what the level of participation is. There is a possibility, if the playerbase really wants it, that the server might not close. There is NOT a set end-date. End date could end up being the final close of Rift if demanded.
Once Prime launches, will there be more focus on live?
We will continue to create content for Live, and apply that content, if applicable, to Prime.
Will this decimate live servers?
We hope not. The idea is to provide this for returning players.
Will Rift Prime global chat be separate from Rift Live?
Yes, in the same way that chat is separate between NA and EU. There will be a separate Rift Prime section on the forums that only patrons can post to. Everyone else can read/see that subforum.
If we bought the Rift Collector’s pack, will we get those features on Prime?
Can you buy extra Prime character slots?
What is Trion’s stance on multiboxing on Prime?
Yes, but you cannot play unattended. In short, no botting. Otherwise, multiboxing is good. Autofollow might cause issues though.
What are our wardrobe options on Prime? Will our dyes, hairstyles, and clothing carry over from live?
The wardrobe system is there. Any dyes, costumes, hair, etc. will not apply to Prime. There are still crafted dyes that are on live and will be on Prime.
NOTE: Level 25 enemies have 3091 health at this point in stream. Dead simon is a level 42 auto-mentored in stonefield.
Login calendar for prime?
Yes, but very different rewards. For example, last day is a mount unlock from a random mount box. The team found several mounts they did not know they had, or even variants of the Raptor mount, that were never released. These will be available as Prime exclusive mounts.
Will dimension items be available through the calendar?
Not likely.
Stan’s lure on Rift Prime?
Not known by the streamers. Question thrown to Tacitus on chat who says “yes”
Guild/Character names, can they be reserved?
No! Free for all. Beware!
Rift Prime zone event API?
Yes, it will be supported. The team knows this is important for everyone, but making the final info ready will wait until a bit after launch.
Ember Isle at launch?
It will come out a bit after launch.
What about currencies?
Currencies will be as they are on the live build, and none of the old currencies will be used.
Will players be blocked from Planetouched Wilds?
At launch, yes. The zone will actually be empty if you find a way in.
Will planar attunement be available at launch?
Yes, at level 50 you will unlock it.
Maximum guild level for Prime?
Can guardians and defiants group up and form guilds?
Yes. Warfronts are still using the mercenary system (attempt form up faction groups, fill in otherwise).
What souls will be available to start with?
The base 8 live souls when you create a new character. Through gameplay, you will unlock the other souls using planarite (right now), which is subject to change. Play the game to unlock, NO CREDITS. Mystic Archer is included, but the team is keeping an eye on it if it will make it into Prime.
What about Primalist?
Primalist will not be available on Prime. This prime. Future prime servers might provide Primalist.
Since players cannot use more than 3 professions, will node respawns increase?
Will we get Dream Weaver at launch?
No, with the NIghtmare Tide unlock
Fishing and Survival?
Available at day 1.
Salvaging items were a key feature in classic times, will this return?
No, it has been removed, and will remain removed for right now.
What is going on with IRCs (chat question), will we be able to buy them?
IRCs CANNOT BE PURCHASED. “Because we are giving out more loot faster. The loot from those IRCs will be tailored to your role and level.”
What will be available via credits?
Mounts, companion pets, a few wardrobe costumes, service items like rename scrolls, and some dimension items. A lot of things will now be available through plat, currency, or through world drops (lots of wardrobe sets are now drops).
Will all artifacts be in the world as zones unlock?
Uhh… no. Unstables will not be available at day 1. These zone events will be turned off until the Dream Weaver profession unlocks in Nightmare Tide. This is due to features with Unstable event features that interact with items created by Dream Weaver.
Will Greenscale’s Blight be unlocked on day 1?
No, this is to prevent people rushing as fast as possible on day 1. This will give the team a chance to see how fast players are progressing.
Can I buy soul walks?
Will artifacts be back at their pre-nerf spawn rate?
No, they were slightly nerfed in the past, but they will be on the same spawn rate. There is no Artifact tracking or shard hopping.
Will you still be able to buy artifacts for credits?
No. Go collect (catch!) em’ all. A lot of stuff that was in the UI for credits has been ripped out. Also, mounts on the store are all auto-scale. You have to earn faster speed mounts.
Will falling damage be back?
No. Blame Amary.
Is there a point in collecting artifacts on Prime, it does not sound like there will be much time to collect them in a year?
Yes, some people like collecting them, and a lot of the unique items from collections are still in.
PvP – PvP server?
No. Maybe in a future Prime server.
WIll Vengeance and valor come back? If not, what will itemization be like?
No valor/vengeance.
PvP Ranks?
Will be enabled, capped at 50 (subject to change.
PvP Rifts?
No, not for this iteration of prime
Can we have a return of the Chocolate PvP quests in Shimmersand and IPP?
PvP daily quests like this will not be returning for this iteration of prime
Will we see warriors in leather?
NO! Actually, you will be locked to the armor of your calling. To get the wardrobe slot, you need to equip the piece or have it be soulbound. Most items that drop on Prime will be tradeable, so you will have to equip it to unlock instead of passing it around to unlock the wardobe slot.
If stat coefficients will be the same as live, will we get Crit Power (CP)?
CP wasn’t available in launch content.
Will expert Rifts from classic times be relevant?
If you enjoyed it then, you’ll probably enjoy it now. The progression in gear might not be the same as classic though. It will be as relevant as you want them to be.
Will there be crafting rifts?
Not on day 1, will come later.
Raid Rifts?
Not on day 1, will come later.
Will endless rifts be coming in shimmersand?
Most likely
Portrait icon is unique to the Primogenitor pack
Will Prime have Loyalty?
No, there is no Loyalty in Prime. Everyone should be on the same footing.
Will there be world events again, as raids release, such as those for River of Souls and Hammerknell?
It’s still a big “Maybe”. The team wants to do this, but cannot promise it. They want to make sure it works properly, but it might not be a perfect one-to-one compared to the original
Will Prime still get seasonal events (carnival, summerfest, etc.)?
Yes, but they might not have the same rewards.
Will LFG/LFR be available?
LFG will be available, but not necessarily LFR. LFR was originally built for 10-man, so it needs to be fixed for 20-mans like Greenscale’s Blight. It IS being looked at.
Will we be getting chronicles at launch?
Yes, but we are limiting Chronicles for story/quest ones.
Planar Fragments?
No planar fragments on Prime at launch. Fragments are currently under the “Eye of Sauron” for balance/tuning, and are being looked at by the team.
T1/T2 dungeons?
Yes, there will be some
Lockout timers on raids?
Shortened to 2 a week. Wednesday at reset, Saturday @ 4am server time
Monthly challenges?
There will be monthly challenges for completing some objective. Those who complete the challenge that month will get put into a reward pool to obtain a reward.
At the end of progression, if we close the server, can we choose EU/NA?
What happens to character slots if we transfer to live?
For those who have 13 characters on Live and want to transfer Prime to Live… you will have to find room for another character, sorry. You do not need to purchase character slots if you do not have them.