Livestream Summary – February 16th, 2018

The February 16th, 2018 Live Stream focused on answering several questions about Rift Prime, what’s upcoming for Live, and detailing the new “Rift Chef” contest to create a downloadable real Rift-inspired cook book.
You can watch a capture of the stream here.
Summary created with the help of Holyroller (forum link), both on the forums and on The Ghar Station Discord. Thanks for your support!
As usual, all details are subject to change. Nothing here is a promise of what is or isn’t to come. Please keep this in mind.
- Patrons will have access to prime regardless of how you get it. (Direct purchase or in game patron passes)
- Prime will be coming soon. They have an official date set on their end, but aren’t ready to release it.
- More big updates on the game in general will be coming in next weeks stream.
- No Primalists on Prime.They are simply too strong at the lower levels. They didn’t elaborate when primalists would be available, but it’s probably safe to assume not until they get into Nightmare Tide.
- Trion has an internal test build up for playtesting. This will speed things up in terms of development as they can start switching things on and off now.
- Warfronts will be available from the very beginning.
- Conquest and Port Scion will not be coming back.
- Prime Class Balance – Rather than tuning individual abilities, they will instead be rebalancing mobs for the current version of level 50.
- Old world events are planned on being brought back (such as the Waves of Madness event and the River of Souls event). The team would like to bring these type of events back into live servers in the future.
- Special systems are being built into Prime with the intent of them going to live as well.
- They want to bring back the original version of Hammerknell for Prime and they’re half way to getting it up and working, but there are some technical hurdles to overcome that could take a few weeks to do. They want it, but it’s not a guarantee.
- Fragment changes are being worked on and still planned.
- The team is torn between getting hammerknell up and running or looking at fragments and it sounds as though fragments are being heavily favored.
- More nerfs coming to active upgrades.
- They are not done with eternals, but they were not ready to go into detail.
- Prime is allowing them the opportunity to go through all of their previous content and revisit / re-evaluate what will work, what doesn’t, what made the game good at certain points of time. This in turn will affect live. “If something doesn’t work for prime then it probably won’t work for live either”.