Telarafly 0.0.17 Released!

Telarafly 0.0.17 has been released! Download it from our Telarafly Download page. Changes include compatibility with Rift Prime, fixes to work with the February 23, 2018 PTS Update, and new features for world viewing and flying. Telarafly 0.0.17 Release Notes Rift Prime compatible! You can now add a customized avatar to mounts when in fly mode (go to the model viewer […]

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Dev Interview With Amary

I recently was given the opportunity to ask the Rift team several questions after the Rift Prime announcement.  Amary has graciously taken time from her schedule of scheduling and planning all the things to answer some questions that I have regarding both Rift Live and Prime. Huge thanks to Amary and Brasse over at Trion Worlds for making this happen! […]

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