Datamining – April patches (iRotP Spoilers)

Aside from what is shown, the majority of assets this month are effects to go alongside the new Primalist souls.
So, 3 things to show case today. A new Budgie, a new mount, and a new butterfly wing coloration.
First, the budgie (because, you know, gotta lead with the cute stuff). This one’s model is named “critter_raptr_baby_budgie_phoenix”. The phoenix here, combined with several dev comments, leads me to believe that this is either an iRotP drop, or the iRotP Conqueror achievement reward.
We have the model for a new Drake mount, this one labeled as “mount_dragon_armored”. Currently, I do not have textures to go with it. I believe this pairs with a previously datamined icon, shown below.
New butterfly wing color
Finally, we have a new buttefly wing color in. This is wings_010b. The blue ones currently available in-game are 010d. I anticipate that this will probably arrive on the in-game store sometime in the near future.
That’s all for today! Hopefully we will get some more datamined content in May to show off.
Ghar Station, signing off!