PTS Datamining – 1/20/2017 – Crucia costume!

Well, last week was a very slow datamining week, with nothing new to note in the Wednesday patch, and no PTS update. We should be getting updates this week to include 2 new Tartaric Depths bosses.
I would also like to take this time to welcome a long time dataminer to The Ghar Station discord – imathrowback! He created the original work to skin Rift models, and get them displaying with all of the respective texture layers properly in Noesis – the model viewer I use to capture all the textured model pics I provide here on the site. Without his work, I doubt I would have anything of this quality to present to everyone!
You can view his reddit post and handiwork here. He has joined in the discussion on the Ghar Station Discord (Spoilers abound!).
To help ease the pain of no new datamined content, here is the Crucia outfit, freshly (if you want to call it that) datamined from January 20th on the PTS!
More to come as it arrives!