PTS Datamining – First look at Tartaric Depths (spoilers!)

In summary, so far I’ve identified:
- Zone level models for Tartaric Depths are in, but mostly untextured
- At least 2 Tartaric Depths boss models are present
- New “Tenebrean” zone event boss
- 6 new Eternal Weapons
- 2 new Eternal Shields
- Summerfest mace & staff
- Tok’s themed portrait
- New dimension items (I have not textured these yet) – ~50 or so new items so far
- New Mariel-Taun day costume armor (no textures to pair with it yet)
Today’s post will focus purely on Tartaric Depths. Let’s dive in!
Tartaric Depths is the new 10-man T1 raid zone for Starfall Prophecy. Here, we will be braving the depths of the Tartaric Fissure to confront Queen Carli before she unleashes yet another potential apocalypse, essentially finishing what Duke Acarax was supposedly going to start, though this time without the influence of Ahnket (we think).
The Zone assets I have break the zone into 4 distinct areas: Entrance, Ruins, Spider Cave, and the “Hellscape Enigma Dragon” room. Given the zone assets, it does seem reasonable that there are 4-5 bosses in this zone. Let’s delve in!

Entrance area Side View

Closeup of the Entryway Tower

Entrance Boss Room
Spider Cave

Spider Cave boss platform

Potential walkway to enter spider cave (though this might be from the entrance to the ruins, or spider cave to other parts, I’m thinking spider cave right now)
“Hellscape Enigma Dragon” Room

Detailed Final Boss Room

Low Polygon pathway to final boss arena. I believe there is potential for another boss on the platforms leading up to the entrance.

Closeup of boss from the low poly model above.

Cauldera that flows lava into the final boss room
Additional Assets

“dragon statue proxy” – low poly dragon statue, possibly in the final boss room or leading into it. I assume lava comes out of the mouth and into the basin.

“master_js” zone model. This looks to either be an early concept, or a zone flow layout, going from the entrance in the bottom left, to the ruins, to the spider cave, to the final boss room.
Two boss models have currently been datamined. Tarjulia is a lava spider, definitely the boss of the “Spider Cave” section. Then we have the final dragon boss, who is in the concept art from the Starfall Prophecy web site. This guy is labeled “hellscape_enigma_dragon” in the game files.

“Tarjulia” (according to game files)

“Hellscape Enigma Dragon” (definitely not his real/final name)

“hellscape enigma dragon” concept art
That is it for the Tartaric Depths content so far. More to come soon(tm), specially once more boss models start being patched in the coming weeks.
Ghar Station, Signing Off!
Very nice info!