PTS Datamining – Sept. 1st, 9th, 13th, and Oct. 4th. – 4.0 Spoilers!
So, datamining has not had much of a public or fan site presence in a long time. Today, we break the silence, revealing the latest from Rift’s PTS. These datamined files are from the September 1st, 9th, and 13th, and October 4th PTS patches.
Remember that datamined files are not final, and often contain spoilers for future content. Reader beware!
- New Costumes: Autumn Harvest, wings
- Extra Life: New banners? My lack of dimension experience says “YES!”
- 3D Models: Fyragnos Wings
- Starfall Prophecy: Material and new item icons.
Autumn Harvest Wardrobe
In these patches, there are some… interesting new skins for the Doctor’s without borders costume gear. They are a little more gruesome. If you ask me, it would be a bit poor taste to make these part of a Doctor’s without Borders promotion. Given that, I believe these will be some bloody scrubs outfits for this years’ Autumn Harvest event.
Those blood smears are gruesome. If this isn’t a Halloween costume this year, then Regulos himself is having a very VERY good laugh.
Other wardrobe skins
A set of torn and shredded wings has been found, complete with a model to accompany it. The model matches that of Fyragnos, the boss from the Comet of Ahnket raid.
Extra Life banners
I’m not a huge dimensioneer, but these extra life texture files look more like banners than capes. Though the 2nd one could probably be a cape here.
Starfall Prophecy
With Starfall Prophecy around the corner, there has been speculation about when pieces of it would start being pushed to the PTS. Well, look no further, as icons for mats, various items, and the level 70 achievement have definitely appeared.
The interesting thing is that there appear to be 3 stages to the materials – a raw form, a runed raw form, and a processed form.
To see what I mean, here are two examples showing off the Leather and Cloth mats:
This process does not appear to match the ore materials or the new crystal:
Did I mention we also have what looks like new Foraging items?
Other Icons found include new potions, some new rune-ish item, new planar essence, and a weird egg thing found
New Tier 8 Planar Dust
These are interesting icons. An egg and a mechanical heart? Definitely items.
New upgrade parts? I’m not certain about the small slabs, but the larger device could be a new accelerator.
Rune items. I suspect these rune items MIGHT have something to do with the rune-inscribed raw materials for leather and cloth shown above. They do not resemble any of the actual equipment runes in game. Let the speculation commence!
Last, but certainly not least, the level 70 achievement icon:
That about wraps it up for the notable files in these patches. It looks like Starfall Prophecy content is slowly making its way onto the PTS, most likely to gear up for a closed beta test here in the near future. It will be interesting to see what changes are coming to crafting, especially in light of the normal and runed material icons datamined here today.
Ghar station, signing off! 5 7 1 3 4 3 2 9
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